Spring Grass Care Suffolk

Preparing your lawn for the warmer months ahead

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01502 677 019

Winter Recovery

Spring is a time for reinvigorating your lawn to ensure that it remains strong and healthy throughout the year. There are a number of treatments that we would recommend during the months of spring, some of which are particularly important if the grass has shown signs of distress during the winter months. When the roots of the grass plants are weak, they become susceptible to fungal diseases that can have a devastating impact on appearance. So, if your lawn is looking less than impressive right now, it’s time to take remedial action.

Stronger, healthier grass plants

At Apeiron UK, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in all aspects of lawn care. Operating throughout Suffolk, we believe in taking a tailored approach to spring grass care as no two lawns are the same. Whilst each individual lawn will have its own individual needs, seasonal treatments are pivotal to a healthy lawn and so form a part of every grass care management plan that we develop. Seasonal treatments are important because they promote the growth of strong and healthy grass all year round.

Spring Grass Care Suffolk

Helping grass to grow and thrive

Depending on the current condition of your lawn, cultural treatments may be needed. Two treatments commonly performed after a spring weed and feed treatment are scarification and aeration.

Scarification is the process of removing excess thatch from a lawn. A thin layer of thatch is considered beneficial, but a thick layer of thatch can cause issues with water drainage and may block oxygen, water and nutrients from reaching the roots of the grass. A lawn in need of scarification will feel spongy under foot and will likely have poor resistance to drought. Following scarification, aeration is often performed.

Aeration is a treatment designed to alleviate soil compaction. When soil is compacted, air and water cannot move freely through the lawn. A good soil should be loose with plenty of air pockets between the particles to allow gases and water to penetrate the roots of the grass. If your lawn is pale, waterlogged or overrun with moss and weeds, this is a good indication that aeration is required

Book a Free Site Analysis

Being a local, specialist lawn care company, we are positioned to help you achieve the perfect lawn. If you have wasted time and money on shop-grade products that offer little more than disappointment, it’s time to appoint an expert.

Book your free site analysis, and allow us to take good care of your lawn, so that you can enjoy a stunning garden view all year round.

Contact Us

To request your tailored lawn care treatment plan this spring, give Apeiron UK a call today on 01502 677 019.